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How to implement lockscreen in Xamarin forms application?

I'm trying to get access to the device lockscreen in a xamarin forms pcl project. I have heard about third-party components such as Lockscreen and Passcode but i dont know how to go about it since this is a xamarin forms app not xamarin.android. How would i implement let's say Lockscreen in the android project of my xamarin forms application?

One way to call Locker.Activate() within Xamarin Forms is to use a dependency service. In your Xamarin.Forms Project, you can add the following code to make the call to the dependency service:

switch (Device.RuntimePlatform)
    case Device.Android:
    case Device.iOS:

Then in your Xamarin.Forms project, create two interfaces: IAppleMethods and IAndroidMethods that contain the activateLock() method.

I'll show the implementation for IAndroidMethods :

public interface IAndroidMethods
    void activateLock();

Then, in your iOS and Android projects, create classes that implement the interfaces you just created. This would be your android class:

//add appropriate using declarations
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(AndroidMethods))]
namespace <YourApp>.Droid
    public class AndroidMethods : IAndroidMethods
        public void activateLock()
            Locker.Activate(Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Context); //Not sure about any other parameters you need to pass in

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