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Sonata Admin Bundle: Editable suggest field in list view

In the list field you can make a field editable by setting the attribute "editable" to "true" in the configureListFields action. Is it possible (with onboard sonata admin tools) to make a field editable that contains multiple values as in a one-to-many relation?

Example: I have a list of pupils listed in the list view. Every pupil has multiple classes listet in the classes column of the pupils list view. Via click on the classes I want a popover open (like it works with a normale string) with a suggest field like you can have it in the edit view.

Using the properties like in the configFormFields action doesn't work:

                'classes',null, array(
                    'editable' => true,
                    'type' => 'sonata_type_model_autocomplete',
                    'multiple' => true,
                    'property' => 'name'

That snippet is written inside the PupilsAdmin class in the configureListFields action.

Is it possible or do I have to create a custom template? The documentation doesn't point me in the right direction: https://sonata-project.org/bundles/admin/2-2/doc/reference/field_types.html

If i understand you right, you want to edit a one-to-many relation inline in a list view of sonata. As far as i know, thats only possible for simple types like text, int or choices and so on. They point it out on no 18. in your link

Theses types accept an editable parameter to edit the value from within the list action. This is currently limited to scalar types (text, integer, url...).

So related objects can not be in that list, merely their scalar properties. For all other things you have to write your own template ...

I don't know what you want to achieve with this suggested list, but for me it makes no sense to edit a one-to-many property in the list view like its done in the edit view.

You just need to create new type. Something like "entity"

                'header_class' => 'col-lg-1',
                'class'        => Employee::class,
                'editable'     => true,

Next step is to override fixFieldDescription method in listBuilder and handle it

class EntityListBuilder extends ListBuilder
     * @var Registry
    private $doctrine;

     * @param AdminInterface            $admin
     * @param FieldDescriptionInterface $fieldDescription
    public function fixFieldDescription(AdminInterface $admin, FieldDescriptionInterface $fieldDescription)
        parent::fixFieldDescription($admin, $fieldDescription);

        if ($fieldDescription->getType() === 'entity') {
            $class = $fieldDescription->getOption('class');

            if (!$class) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Type entity must contain 'class' argument");

            $objects = $this->doctrine->getRepository($class)->findAll();

            $choices = [];

            foreach ($objects as $object) {
                $choices[$object->getId()] = $object->__toString();

            $fieldDescription->setOption('choices', $choices);

     * @param Registry $doctrine
    public function setDoctrine(Registry $doctrine)
        $this->doctrine = $doctrine;

     * @param string $type
     * @return string
    private function getTemplate($type)
        return $this->templates[$type] ?? '';

Now, you have to override template for your "entity" type

{% extends '@SonataAdmin/CRUD/list_choice.html.twig' %}
{% set value = admin.id(value) %}

It's need to set already chosen value to select box Okay, last thing is to add our type to xeditable types of Twig Add it to OverrideServiceCompilerPass :

$definition           = $container->getParameter('sonata.admin.twig.extension.x_editable_type_mapping');
        $definition['entity'] = 'select';
        $container->setParameter('sonata.admin.twig.extension.x_editable_type_mapping', $definition);

And the last one just match your type with template

                entity:        AppBundle:CRUD:list_entity.html.twig

Now you ready to edit it inline :)

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