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subpage doesn't match react-router 4

I have my router setup like this

  <PrivatePage key={index} {...opts} component={(props) => 
     <Section {...props} pages={childRoutes} />
  } />
  <PrivatePage path='/accounts/:id' exact={true}  render={({ match }) => (
    <Redirect to={/accounts/${match.params.id}/profile} />
  )} />
  <Route component={NotFound} />

And then <Section />

<SubNavMenu />
<Route path=/accounts/:id/profile componet={ProfilePage} />
<Route path=/accounts/:id/dashboard componet={DashboardPage} />

And then <PrivatePage /> renders like, while <Page /> just renders <Navigation /> {this.props.children}

const PrivatePage = ({ component: Component, ...rest }) => {
  let result = props => (
        pathname: '/redirect',
        state: { from: props.location },

  if (User.methods.isAuthed()) {
    result = props => (
        <Component {...props} />
  } else if (rest.path === '/') {
    result = props => (
          pathname: '/login',

  return <Route {...rest} render={props => result(props)} />

export default PrivatePage

Clicking a link that takes me to accounts/:id properly redirects me to the profile page, but when I try to go to the dashboard page from the SubNavMenu I get my NotFound page and consoling this.props.match {path: "/", url: "/", params: {…}, isExact: false} but my path is /accounts/7kB7fRdsu39Be44ou/dashboard

Thank you for your help

Per request, full code of Section

pages = [
  authed: true,
  icon: 'cog',
  component: (<div/>),
  name: 'AccountDetailSection',
  path: `/accounts/:id/profile`, 
  authed: true,
  component: AccountProfilePage,
  exact: true, 
  getLink: id => `/accounts/${id}/profile`, 
  icon: 'cog',
  label: 'Account',
  name: 'AccountDetailProfile',
  parent: 'AccountDetailSection',
  path: `/accounts/:id/profile`, 
  authed: true,
  component: AccountDashboardsPage,
  exact: true, 
  getLink: id => `/accounts/${id}/dashboard`, 
  icon: 'cog',
  label: 'Dashboard', 
  name: 'AccountDetailDashboards',
  parent: 'AccountDetailSection',
  path: `/accounts/:id/dashboard`, 

class PrivateSection extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
  classes = { // static values
    button:  'App-navigation--listItemButton',
    container: 'App-navigation',
    header: 'App-navigation--header',
    headerLogo: 'App-navigation--headerLogo',
    listContainer: 'App-navigation--list',
    listItem: 'App-navigation--listItem',
    listItemActive: 'App-subnavigation--listItem--active',
    listItemHover: 'App-navigation--listItem--hover',
    positionBottom: 'App-navigation--bottom',
    positionTop: 'App-navigation--top',
  sharedProps = { // static values
    activeClass: this.classes.listItemActive,
    buttonClass:  this.classes.button,
    buttonContainer: this.classes.listItem,
    hoverClass: this.classes.listItemHover,
    menuContainer: this.classes.listContainer,
    onHover: this.handleMouseIn.bind(this),

  constructor(props: IProps) {

    this.state = {
      hovering: '',

  handleMouseIn(name: string) {
    this.setState({hovering: name})
  handleMouseOut() {
    this.setState({hovering: ''})

  renderSubNav() {
    const navOpts = {
      hovering: this.state && this.state.hovering || '',      
      onHover: this.handleMouseIn.bind(this),

    const navItems: any = this.props.pages.map(p => { // tslint:disable-line no-any
      const o = {...p}

      if (typeof(o.getLink) === 'function') {
        const {id} = this.props.match && this.props.match.params || {id: ''}

        o.link = o.getLink(id)
        o.getLink = undefined

      o.authed = undefined
      o.exact = undefined
      o.component = undefined

      return {...navOpts, ...o}

    const submenuClasses = {
      active: this.sharedProps.activeClass,
      button:  this.sharedProps.buttonClass,
      buttonContainer: this.sharedProps.buttonContainer,
      hover: this.sharedProps.hoverClass,
      menuContainer: this.sharedProps.menuContainer,

    return (
        style={{height: '100%'}}
        onMouseLeave={() => this.handleMouseOut()}
  renderContent() {
    return (
      <div className='profile_content'>
        {this.props.pages.map((opts, index) => {
          const o: any = {...opts} // tslint:disable-line no-any
          if (typeof(o.getLink) === 'function') {
            const {id} = this.props.match && this.props.match.params || {id: ''}

            o.link = o.getLink(id)
            o.getLink = undefined

          return (
            <PrivateRoute key={index} {...o}/>
  render() {
    return (

export default PrivateSection

Render method of <Button /> (wrapped by <Menu />

 render() {
    const {
    } = this.props

    let message = (
      <div className='Button--message'>
        <div className='Button--messageText'>{label}</div>
    if (icon) {
      message = (
        <div className='Button--message'>
          <div className='Button--messageIcon'><Icon name={icon} / ></div>
          <div className='Button--messageText'>{label}</div>

    const buttonContainerClass = this.isHovering() ? `${containerClass} ${hoverClass}` : containerClass

    const ButtonContainer = props => (
        className={this.props.buttonClass || ''}
        onMouseEnter={() => this.handleMouseIn()}
        onMouseLeave={() => this.handleMouseOut()}

    let Result
    if (typeof(link) === 'string') {
      if (typeof(activeClass) === 'string' && activeClass.length > 0) {
        const opts = {
          activeClassName: activeClass || '',
          className: buttonContainerClass || '',
          exact: exactLink || false,
          isActive: handleActive || undefined,
          strict: true,
          to: link,

        Result = (
          <NavLink {...opts} >
            <ButtonContainer />
      } else {
        Result = (
          <Link to={link} className={buttonContainerClass}>
            <ButtonContainer />

    } else if (typeof(onClick) === 'function') {
      Result = (
        <div className={buttonContainerClass}>
          <ButtonContainer onClick={() => onClick()} />

    } else {
      console.warn('Button must have an action props> ', {props: this.props})

    return Result

I had a similar issue where Switch wasn't finding routes that were wrapped with other components. Looking at the source, it looks like Switch does not look for Route s in the children recursively, so they can't be nested.

That being the case, to use Switch you'd need to refactor to have Route be the top-level component for each route. Or refactor to not use Switch - make all the routes exact matches, basically.

Switch source: https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/blob/master/packages/react-router/modules/Switch.js It uses React.Children.forEach to look for paths, which only iterates over the immediate children, not nested children.

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