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Bind DataGrid Headers Text to properties in WPF MVVM at runtime

I have a datagrid whose column headers I would like to change during runtime. I have tried something like this but doesn't work

    <DatagridTextColumn Header="{Binding Path=MyNewHeader}" Binding=" {Binding Path=MyBindingProperty}" />

And In my MVVM

    string myHeaderProperty;
    public string MyHeaderProperty{
    return myHeaderProperty 
    Set(ref myHeaderProperty, value);

But does not work. Any Ideas will be greatly appreciated

If you take a look in the output window you will see that you probably get a binding expression exception because MyNewHeader is not a property on you item in the row.

So you need to bind it to the parent via relativesource binding

Take a look at the following example https://wpftutorial.net/BindingExpressions.html

This should work provided that MyHeaderProperty belongs to the DataContext of the parent DataGrid , ie the view model:

<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding MyBindingProperty}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DataContext.MyHeaderProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=DataGrid}}" />

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