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Nested braces in twig (symfony)

I am trying to set a data- attribute for a save button, but it doesn't like the nested braces. I'm getting an error on the "###THIS LINE" line.

 {% for file in payment.files %}
         ... etc...
         {{ form_widget(file.save, {'attr':{'data-file-id': {{ file.id}} } }) }} ###THIS LINE

{% endfor %}

The error I am getting is: A hash key must be a quoted string, a number, a name, or an expression enclosed in parentheses (unexpected token "punctuation" of value "{".

I guess it doesn't like the nested braces.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


{{ form_widget(file.save, {'attr':{'data-file-id': file.id.__toString } }) }}


{{ form_widget(file.save, {'attr':{'data-file-id': file.id } }) }}


{{ form_widget(file.save, {'attr': {'data-file-id': file.id|string } }) }}

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