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Spark Streaming Data to S3

I'm building data lake in S3. Hence, I would like to store the raw data stream into s3 and below is my code snippet, where I have tried with local storage.

val tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
val engtweets = tweets.filter(status => status.getLang() == "en").map(x => x.getText())
  import sql.implicits._
engtweets.foreachRDD { rdd =>
    val df = rdd.toDF()

I would like to store Raw data(entire JSON object) in s3.

Just setup the access key and secret key in core-site.xml as follows:


Once you have done this, you should be able to write into s3 using s3 protocol like : s3a:///

Hope this helps!

You can simply use saveAsTextFile method with path prefixed as

s3a://<file path>

required, your Amazon s3 is set-up correctly with or without credential.


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