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How do I force include computed property?

How do I tell realm that I want it to compute and store read-only property? Let's say I have following model:

class User: Object {
    @objc dynamic var fullName: String {
        return "\(name) \(surname)"
    @objc dynamic var name = ""
    @objc dynamic var surname = ""

I'd like to have formed full name on write action. Is it possible w/o using workaround with dummy setter?

Read-only properties are automatically ignored because it makes absolutely no sense to store them in a database. If you really need to store it in a database, you can create an update function to your User class and use it for saving the entity to database.

Something like this:

class User: Object {
    @objc dynamic var fullName = ""
    @objc dynamic var name = ""
    @objc dynamic var surname = ""

    static func create(name: String, surname: String, in realm: Realm) {
        let user = realm.create(User.self)
        user.name = name
        user.surname = surname
        user.fullName = "\(name) \(surname)"

Then you just create your entity like this:

let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
    User.create(name: name, surname: surname, in: realm)

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