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Xamarin MvvmCross call command handler from another viewModel

I have two view models: ListItemViewModel and ListViewModel . My ListViewModel contains many ListItemViewModel objects, when I try to delete one item, I'm binding DeleteCommand in ListItemViewModel like this:

public IMvxCommand DeleteCommand => new MvxCommand(DeleteCommandHandler);

The problem is that DeleteCommandHandler is in ListViewModel ... How can I call handler from another view model?


Got the question why do I need this. The reason of my question is that in handler I will need to make an API call which requires dependency injection, but my ListItemViewModel must have default empty constructor because of automapper, so all the business logic I want to move to "parent view model" which is ListViewModel

Try using messaging services to communicate b/w different viewmodels. In your case, the DeleteCommandHandler will trigger in ListItemViewModel and then will pass a message to ListViewModel sending details of item deleted.

Refer to the link on how to implement Messaging.

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