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React-Redux connect

I have two queries regarding react-redux connect

the connect can be called with two arguments mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps

  1. Please Correct me if I am wrong, <Provider store={store}> </Provider>
    In mapStateToProps (first argument in connect())
    mapStateToProps = ( state ) => ({....})

    state over here is the same as store.getState(); ??
    please provider a bit more explaination to this
  2. Please explain the usage of mapDispatchToProps with a beginner's example.

mapDispatchToProps is a function that gets dispatch function as argument. You're expected to return an object, where you map keys with a function to dispatch an action.

Example time:

connect(/* ...*/, function(dispatch) {
    return {
        sayHello: function() { dispatch("ACTION_TYPE_HELLO")}

Connected components will receive prop sayHello , which is a function, where this.props.sayHello() will dispatch an action ACTION_TYPE_HELLO to the store.

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