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Excel formula for greater than but less than with several tiers

I have a few hundred rows of data, and each has a number between 1 and 200, and I'd like to put them in categories of 1-5 depending on where that number is.

The categories look like this:

Zones   Min  Max
1       0    35
2       35   60
3       60   85
4       85   110
5       110  200

I want to assign it a Zone if it is greater than the Min, but less than the Max.

I have 2 formulas I've been working with to solve it. One is a nested IF AND statement:

=IF(A1<=35,1,IF(AND(A1<=60,A1>35),2,IF(AND(A1<=85,A1>60),3,IF(AND(A1<=110,A1>85),4,IF(AND(A1<=200,A1>110),2,"TOO BIG")))))

The 2nd formula attempts to use a SUMPRODUCT function:

=INDEX($C$2:$C$6,SUMPRODUCT(--(A1<=$E$2:$E$6),-- (A1>$D2:$D$6),ROW($2:$6)))

Rather than have to continue to adjust the numeric values manually, I set them as absolutes, which is why this formula is slightly different. The E column is the Max value set, and the D is the Min value set.

Any help would be appreciated!

Use this:



Another way is to use VLOOKUP and you just need to set the min number:


The key is the 4th parameter needs to set to 1 which means TRUE . It will find the closest value and return the zone for you.

But noticed that you have overlaps like 35 or 60 etc. that you will need to adjust your value column.

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