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.htaccess rewrite rule to remove index.html inbetween the url

In my application, I will be redirect from a website to open an url link as below:


In that url site I'm using AnuglarJS, now i need to redirect like ' https://[site]/#/Login ' but I didn't work. How I should write .htaccess to remove index.html from the URL. Any help?

Sorry but this is not possible with .htaccess or any other server side solution. The reason is very simple. A basic URL is build like this:


So in your case this

scheme   => https
host     => site
path     => index.html
query    => N/A
fragment => /Login

The point is, that the fragment is nothing a browser ever sends to the server. So in your case, from the server point of view you have requested:


The server can redirect or rewrite it to https://[site]/ but not to https://[site]/#Login , at least not if you want to use different kinds of fragments like #/Login , #/Logout , #/SomePage , etc. what I assume.

You have to do this on the browser site, in your case with AnuglarJS.

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