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Check if time between 2 times in Javascript

I'm using google sheets javascript script where I'm looping over 15 min intervals each in their own column. I'm trying to find the column that matches the current hour/min so I can highlight it but can't get the javascript time checking to work.

time and nextTime are simply times like 8:00 or 8:15, so when I convert them to Date I get something like: Sat Dec 30 1899 08:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)

Does getTime() consider the date part or just the time part? If I have a string for the date like "10/14/2017" how could I bring the 2 together for the date object?

var now = new Date().getTime();

  for(i in data[0]){
    var time = new Date(data[0][i]);
    var nextTime = new Date(data[0][Number(i) + 1]);

    var diff1 = time.getTime() - now;
    var diff2 = nextTime.getTime() - now;

    if(now >= time.getTime() && now < nextTime.getTime()){

The getTime() method returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

This number is called a timestamp. eg 1508001790301. This number represents the total number of milliseconds (so it considers both the date part and the time part)

You can convert the string "10/14/2017" to a timestamp by passing it as a Date constructor argument and calling the getTime method on the newly created date object.

eg var nextTime = new Date('10/14/2017').getTime(); This will return the number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1970 till Oct 14 2017 00:00:00.

To bring everything together:

1) Get the current timestamp

var now = new Date().getTime(); // 1508001790301

2) Get the timestamps for time and nextTime

var time = new Date('10/14/2017').getTime(); 
var nextTime = new Date('10/15/2017').getTime();

3) Simply compare the values as you did already in the example

if(time <= now && now <= nextTime) {
      // Highlight the column

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