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Event object always has relatedTarget undefined

bootstrap events provide us event.relatedTarget inside the available events. I am using shown.bs.modal . In normal cases event.relatedTarget has the button object from where we click and activate the modal by using onlick event on the button like below.


then we can use the following way to get the button

$('#modalId').on('shown.bs.modal', function(event) {
   var button = $(event.relatedTarget); // Button that triggered the modal

Now i am working on a filemanager plugin in which i have context menu binding on the browsed files, and inside the context menu i have a menu item Rename , when i click on rename i have to open the modal window and send the file name that I have to rename. I can send the filename via context menu options selection ie by clicking on the Rename option i can get the object of the file div which has the filename inside the attribute id, but this will not help because i need the file div object inside the bootstrap shown event and i am opening the modal by calling the function openRenameWindow(#clickedFileDivObject); from with in the context menu call back function and inside the function i open the modal like below

function openRenameWindow{

now the problem is when i bind the event for the shown.bs.modal the event object always have the relatedTarget undefined . Can someone guide me how can i get the filename there.

As of my understanding, you need to pass something to your modal window, if I understood wrongly please correct me by adding a comment.

Simplest solution:

Your problem caused as you did not pass the button object as a second param when you toggled the modal window for show/display:

//pass button object 
$("#rename-file").modal('toggle', $("#buttonId"));

You can do the following scenario too:

Each link should have a class .rename and you can save fileName as data attribute in your button or a div next to your button, when you open the modal window pass the fileName as a data attribute to it.

  var $this = $(this);
  var fileName = $(this).data("file");
    $("#basicModal").data("fileName", fileName).modal("toggle", $this);


$("#basicModal").on("shown.bs.modal", function(e){
  //data-fileName attribute associated with the modal added in the click event of the button
  //my data-file associated with the button 

Demo in Codepen for both solutions:

If you need more options in modal windows, Here is a library that I wrote based on Bootstrap 4

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