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Change in state do not propagate in props

I have the "classic" issue with the React redux about not propagating the change in state into the props when I try to access it in the component.

Here I have read that

99.9% of the time, this is because you are accidentally mutating data, usually in your reducer

Can you tell me what am I doing wrong? Is this the good way how to do the deep copy of the property of the specified object in array?

note: in the reducer in the return statement the state is clearly changed correctly (debugged it)


        const toggledTagId = action.payload;

        const index = findItemById(state.tags, toggledTagId);
        const newTags = state.tags.slice(0);
        if(index >= 0)
            newTags[index] = Object.assign(
                {selected: !state.tags[index].selected});

            state.tags = newTags;

        return Object.assign({}, state);


import React from 'react';
import { Button, FormControl, Table, Modal } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import axios from 'axios';

import {selectTagAction} from '../../actions/actions'

@connect((store) => {
return {
    tags: store.TagsReducer.tags,

export default class AssignTag extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {

    this.handleTagClick = this.handleTagClick.bind(this);

handleTagClick(element) {

 render() {
    const tags = this.props.tags;
    const mappedTags = tags.map(tag => {
        return (
            <div className="col-sm-12" key={tag.id} onClick={() => this.handleTagClick(tag.id)}
                style={{background: this.getBackgroundColor(tag.selected)}}>

// code continues


You are indeed mutating the state. Try this:

        const toggledTagId = action.payload;
        const index = findItemById(state.tags, toggledTagId);
        let newTags = state;
        if( index >= 0 )
            newTags[index] = Object.assign(
                { selected: !state.tags[index].selected }
            //state.tags = newTags;   This line essentially mutates the state
            return Object.assign( {}, state, { tags: newTags });

        return state;


....   return { ...state, tags : newTags };

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