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Knitr 'asis' option not working when R produces LaTeX code

I am running a process where I automatically produce a report. It has worked up until a point. But now knitr::opts_chunk$set(result='asis') does not work when I cat LaTeX code into the document. It replaces the \\ with \\textbackslash{} when I knit the document. Even though if you run the cat command on its own, it produces the correct LaTeX code:

title: "Untitled"
date: "October 15, 2017"
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, comment = NA, background = NA, results='asis')

  \\begin{tabular*}{1\\textwidth}{c c}
    {\\HUGE{\\textcolor{blue}{\\textbf{\\uppercase{Headline}}} }}\\\\
      \\icontext{MobilePhone}{12}{999 666 23}\\\\

The error being produced:


I have tried using knitr::asis_output() , but it results in the same error

The Tex being produced is the following:


\textbackslash{}begin\{tabular\emph{\}\{1\textwidth\}\{c c\}
    {\HUGE{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{\uppercase{Headline}}} }}\\
  }\& \parbox{0.25\textwidth}{
      \icontext{MobilePhone}{12}{999 666 23}\\
    } \textbackslash{}end\{tabular}\}


There is finally a solution to these issues:

knitr::raw_latex("here all your tex content") 

instead of cat() + results='asis'.


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