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Creating an Authentication to check if user is logged in

I have an AngularJS app which communicates with a REST API. Sending a POST request to my api and in return { logged: false, username: undefined, id: undefined } if the user is not logged in, otherwise, it will return something like { logged: true, username: 'admin', id: 123 } .

I want these functions implemented in such a way that calling one will set the values for all the rest. I am getting post response in return , but I am quite confused about checking the condition.

Here is the service I have tried putting together:

app.factory('Authentication', function($http,session){
var service = {};

service.login = function(username,password) {
return $http
    username : username,
    password : password
  function successCallback(response){
  return response.data;

service.isAuthenticated = function() {
    return !!session.username;
return service;

  /*-----Main Controller-----*/

app.controller('credientials',['$scope','$route','$http','Authentication',function($scope,$route,$http,Authentication) {

 $scope.isAuthenticated = false;

$scope.userCred = {
  username: '',
  password: ''

/*-----Form Submition-----*/

$scope.log = function(userCred){


Please don't tell me to google it, because I already have so many blue links. If you know anything , please correct me and if you have any working example share it .

Use a promise service $q in factory

app.factory('Authentication', function($http,$q,session){
  var service = {};

  service.login = function(username,password) {
    return $q(function(resolve, reject) {
        username : username,
        password : password
      .then(function successCallback(response){
      }, function(err){

  service.isAuthenticated = function() {
    return !!session.username;
  return service;

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