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Rename doctype in elasticsearch index

I used elasticsearch-py to move millions of records represented by a Django model from PostgreSQL to Elasticsearch. I used the name of the model for doctype (which was in CamelCase).

I then switched to Elasticsearch DSL and noticed that by default it creates doctypes with lowercase names with underscores (snake_case).

I don't want to redefine doc_type in my document meta, so I am to rename it in Elasticsearch. What would be the fastest way to do this?

My own solution using elasticsearch_dsl :

from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
from elasticsearch_dsl.connections import connections

connection = connections.get_connection()    
s = Search(index=index, doc_type=old_name)

actions = (dict(
    _index=hit.meta.index, _type=new_name, 
    _id=hit.meta.id, _source=hit.to_dict()
) for hit in s.scan())
bulk(connection, actions, request_timeout=300)

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