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Why is this VBA giving me a 1004 error

I have tried a few different renditions here are some I THINK should work:

Sheets(Sheet1.Name).Range("Q2").Value = "=IF($H2="""","""",IF($L2=""Successful"",0,IF($O2="""",""Error"",!$O2)))"

Sheets(Sheet1.Name).Range("Q2").Formula = "=IF($H2="""","""",IF($L2=""Successful"",0,IF($O2="""",""Error"",!$O2)))"

Sheets(Sheet1.Name).[Q2].Formula = "=IF($H2="""","""",IF($L2=""Successful"",0,IF($O2="""",""Error"",!$O2)))"

Dim Data As Worksheet
Set Data = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets1.Name)
Data. (all of the above after the sheets part)

No matter what I do this gives a 1004 error. What am I doing wrong?

It seems to be the "!" before "$O2".

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