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ASP.NET Core 2.0: resource namespace not visible

I'm trying to make an ASP.NET Core 2.0 application multi-language. I created a resource file under a folder "Resources" called "Resource.it.resx". I set its access modifier to Public and its Namespace to Resources.

After (re)building the solution I cannot see this namespace in the C# code now in the cshtml code.

Is there some other steps to do?

First thing check if your resource namespace is visible in controller, like Resources.Resource.

I had not and in this situation I have created emtpy resource class, ex. my resources name is ServiceResources.en-US.resx, in same folder I have ServiceResources.cs empty class too.

Check if you have imported your namespace in _ViewImports.cshtml correctly, with IStringLocalizer class.

There are two things you need to take into account:

  1. Only a Resource.resx generates a namespace, culture-specific resources such as Resource.it.resx does not generate a namespace. This is the intended behavior.
  2. ASP.NET Core's localization practices suggest not to use resources directly, but rather find the localized strings using IStringLocalizer .

I suggest you to read the fundamentals of ASP.NET Core localization in the official MSDN guide . There you will find examples for localizing strings in Controllers, Views and wherever you need them.

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