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JS Fiddle duplicating a script

I am trying to get an example using dynatable to work in JSFiddle.

I have found an example here http://jsfiddle.net/brandonzylstra/G4m95/ copy pasted all the code to a personal project:

$(document).ready( function() {
      dataset: {
        records: JSON.parse($('#music').text())

    // getting JSON from a remote source fails:
      dataset: {
        ajax: true,
        ajaxOnLoad: true,
        ajaxUrl: '//www.dynatable.com/dynatable-ajax.json',
        records: []


Nothing happens. The data isn't loaded. I'd hazard that it's the external references, but they're identical to the ones used in the sample.

Any ideas?

You haven't selected jquery in your new fiddle. Do that and it should work fine.

Here's how you select that:


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