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Display csv read data in console application in c#

I am completely new to programming and trying to get the complete row data from csv file based on column value in c#. Example data is as follows: Mat_No;Device;Mat_Des;Dispo_lvl;Plnt;MS;IPDS;TM;Scope;Dev_Cat 1111;BLB A601;BLB A601;T2;PW01;10;;OP_ELE;LED; 2222;ALP A0001;ALP A0001;T2;PW01;10;;OP_ELE;LED; Mat_No;Device;Mat_Des;Dispo_lvl;Plnt;MS;IPDS;TM;Scope;Dev_Cat 1111;BLB A601;BLB A601;T2;PW01;10;;OP_ELE;LED; 2222;ALP A0001;ALP A0001;T2;PW01;10;;OP_ELE;LED;

If user enters a Mat_No he gets the full row data of that particular number.
I have two files program.cs and filling.cs
overViewArea.cs contain following code for csv file reading:
I dont know how to access the read values from program.cs file and display in console

`using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;

namespace TSDB
    class fillData

        public static fillData readCsv()
            fillData getData= new fillData ();

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"myfile.csv"))
                List<string> headerList = null;

                while (!reader.EndOfStream)

                    var line = reader.ReadLine();
                        headerList = line.Split(';').ToList();
                        var values = line.Split(';');
                        for(int i = 0; i< headerList.Count; i++)
                            Console.Write(headerList[i] + "=" + values[i]+";");


            return fillData;


Program.cs has following code

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        fillData data= fillData.readCsv();


First, please, do not reinvent the wheel : there are many CSV readers available: just use one of them. If you have to use your own routine (say, for a student project), I suggest extracting method . Try using File class instead of Stream / StreamReader :

// Simple: quotation has not been implemented
// Disclamer: demo only, do not use your own CSV readers
public static IEnumerable<string[]> ReadCsvSimple(string file, char delimiter) {
  return File
    .Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) // skip empty lines if any
    .Select(line => line.Split(delimiter));

Having this routine implemented, you can use Linq to query the data, eg

If user enters a Mat_No he gets the full row data of that particular number.

Console.WriteLine("Mat No, please?");  
string Mat_No_To_Filter = Console.ReadLine();

var result = ReadCsvSimple(@"myfile.csv", ';')
  .Where(record => record[0] == Mat_No_To_Filter);

foreach (var items in result) 
  Console.WriteLine(string.Join(";", items));

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