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How to call function in another page?

I created a link https://www.sefaz.rs.gov.br/NFE/NFE-CCC.aspx?ErrKey=true&iCodUf=0&lCnpj=00110612000137 To fill the input field CNPJ.

This is fine. However, I need to run the function preencheParametros('CNPJ') together above link.

So, I tried something like this https://www.sefaz.rs.gov.br/NFE/NFE-CCC.aspx?ErrKey=true&iCodUf=0&lCnpj=00110612000137&exec=preencheParametros('CNPJ')

And not worked. How handle this?

First Way: Not Worked GET method

<form method="post" action="https://www.sefaz.rs.gov.br/NFE/NFE-CCC.aspx?ErrKey=true&iCodUf=0" name="nForm" id="nForm">
    <div class="CInput" id="CCnpj">
        <input type="text" name="lCnpj" id="lCnpj" value="00110612000137">

Result: open new tab, like https://www.sefaz.rs.gov.br/NFE/NFE-CCC.aspx?ErrKey=true&iCodUf=0&lCnpj=00110612000137

Second Way: Not Worked
Read GET method in JS

Input values:
<input type="text" name="lCnpj" id="lCnpj" value="00110612000137">
<input type="button" value="Get Input Values" id="retrieveInputValuesButton" />

    var cnpj = document.getElementById("lCnpj");
    var element = document.getElementById("retrieveInputValuesButton");
    element.onclick = function() {
      window.open("https://www.sefaz.rs.gov.br/NFE/NFE-CCC.aspx?ErrKey=true&iCodUf=0" + cnpj.value + "&exec=preencheParametros('CNPJ')");

Result: open new tab, like https://www.sefaz.rs.gov.br/NFE/NFE-CCC.aspx?ErrKey=true&iCodUf=0&lCnpj=00110612000137&exec=preencheParametros ('CNPJ')

I'm sorry, but there is no way to pass in executable instructions to a website like that (unless they specifically provide you a way to do so). That would be a huge security risk if anyone could just inject code.

You could however try cooking something up with a Greasemonkey script. It's called Greasemonkey for Firefox, or Tapermonkey for Chrome

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