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Change Angular2 Material Component ( e.g. Select controller ) outside from Angular

If it is possible...

I have a site: www.recognitiongame.com I have started to use Angular2 Material Components ( Autocomplete, Button... ).

I want to change the "Main theme:" DropDownlist to Angular2 Material Select Component.

I have this:

<mat-select placeholder="Main theme:" [(ngModel)]="selectedValue">
 <mat-option *ngFor="let maintheme of mainthemes" [value]="maintheme.id">
  {{ maintheme.value }}

How can I access the Angular2 Component "selectedValue" variable from outside? Something like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
 **Change the selectedValue?**
public _selectedValue = window['selectedValue']
public set selectedValue(_selectedValue){
   this._selectedValue = _selectedValue;
   window['selectedValue'] = _selectedValue;

public get selectedValue(){
   return this._selectedValue;

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