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conditionally add a library in and angular2 in app.module.ts

I want to conditionally add a library in and angular2 in my app.module.ts by ENV..if production add if not dont add. How? Below is what I want to do but does not work Eg

import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
import * as Raven from 'raven-js';

export class RavenErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
  handleError(err:any) : void {
    Raven.captureException(err.originalError || err);

  declarations: [...]
  providers: [
       if (environment=='production'){
            { provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: RavenErrorHandler },
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
  export class AppModule { }    

Use simple ternary operator.

providers: [
        provide: ErrorHandler, 
        useClass: environment=='production' ? RavenErrorHandler: ErrorHandler 

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