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How to Make a Button in the Header of Dialog Component in PRIMENG in Angular4

I want to put an button in header of the dialog window in primeng. The link for the code is https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/#/dialog .

The requirement is want to add two buttons(with image or any icon as calculator and quesstion mark) in the right side of top header and these buttons should call a method abc().

Code looks like:-

<p-dialog header="top header title pass here" [(visible)]="display" modal="modal" 
draggable="true" dismissableMask="true" positionTop="50" padding="0px" width="1200" 
height="350" [responsive]="true">
   // here two buttons btn1 and btn2(with icons) next to 'fa fa-fw fa-close' icon.
    <p>The stor.</p>
        <button type="button" pButton icon="fa-check" (click)="display=false" 

 <button type="button" (click)="showDialog()" pButton icon="fa-external-link-square" 

  display = false;
  showDialog() {
    this.display = true;

You need to use the p-header attribute of the p-dialog like so:

<p-dialog [(visible)]="display" modal="modal" draggable="true" dismissableMask="true" positionTop="50" padding="0px" width="1200" height="350" [responsive]="true">
        top header title pass here
        <button type="button" pButton icon="fa-calculator" (click)="abc()"></button>
        <button type="button" pButton icon="fa-question" (click)="abc()"></button>

    <p>The stor.</p>

        <button type="button" pButton icon="fa-check" (click)="display=false" label="Yes">hghk</button>

You should then be able to add css that floats the buttons to the right of the header.

Use the <p-header> tag:

<p-dialog [(visible)]="display">
        Header content here <button type="button" (click)="headerBtn()" pButton icon="fa fa-address-book" label="header"></button>

    Modal Content

        <button type="button" pButton icon="fa-check" label="Yes"></button>

<button type="button" pButton label="modal" (click)="displayDialog()"></button>

I made a plunker showing how to put a button in the modal header:

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