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Kubernetes. Is it possible to configure a default namespace for a user?

Is it possible to configure a default namespace (other than "default") for a user in kubernetes?

Thank you.

Yes, just set .contexts[].context.namespace in the kubeconfig file of the user.

You can do that manually with a text editor ( ~/.kube/config ):

apiVersion: v1
- context:
    cluster: development
    namespace: frontend
    user: developer
  name: dev-frontend
current-context: dev-frontend
kind: Config
preferences: {}

Or with kubectl config . This example sets the namespace to frontend in the current context:

kubectl config set "contexts."`kubectl config current-context`".namespace" frontend

For more details and explanation see this document .

Set namespace to current-context with:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=my-namespace or
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=<namespace>

Check whether it is set or not with:
kubectl config view | grep namespace:

ref: enter link description here

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