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Ant Design for React : Show/Hide columns

I am looking for a way to Hide/Show columns for the Table Component in Ant Design

The idea is to have a checkbox with each column name. When unchecking the column name, the column becomes Hidden.

I have used react-table before and it was as easy as passing a parameter in the column name as a prop

However, this option is not available in Ant Design. Any idea on the way I should go in terms of logic?


You can have the columns in the component as a function .

Then according to the state you can hide or show different columns. You can add a className to the columns or directly not render it.

getColumns = () => [
    title: 'Client Name',
    dataIndex: 'clientName',
    className: this.state.columns['clientName'] ? "show" : "hide"
render() {
  return <Table columns={this.getColumns()}>

I managed to solve such a problem by creating a copy of the original column array and an array that would hold the dataIndex that is equal for each. Then I replace the current column array with the filtered one. Below the code:

const data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    key: i,
    name: `Edward King ${i}`,
    age: 32,
    address: `London, Park Lane no. ${i}`,

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    value: false,
    checkedColumns: [],
    visibleMenuSettings: false,
     columns: [
    title: 'Name',
    dataIndex: 'name',
    title: 'Age',
    dataIndex: 'age',

    title: 'Address',
    dataIndex: 'address',
initialColumns: []

  componentDidMount() {
    this.setState({initialColumns: this.state.columns})

  handleVisibleChange = flag => {
    this.setState({ visibleMenuSettings: flag });

  onChange = (e) => {
    var checkedColumns = this.state.checkedColumns
    checkedColumns = checkedColumns.filter(id => {return id !== e.target.id})
    else if(!e.target.checked){

  var filtered = this.state.initialColumns;
    for(var i =0;i< checkedColumns.length; i++)
    filtered = filtered.filter(el => {return el.dataIndex !== checkedColumns[i]})

    this.setState({columns: filtered, checkedColumns: checkedColumns})

  render() {
      const menu = (
            <Menu.ItemGroup title="Columns" >
              <Menu.Item  key="4"><Checkbox id="age" onChange={this.onChange} defaultChecked>Age</Checkbox></Menu.Item>
              <Menu.Item key="5"><Checkbox id="address" onChange={this.onChange} defaultChecked>Address</Checkbox></Menu.Item>

    return (
        <Table columns={this.state.columns} dataSource={data} />

Also here is a working example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/antd-showhidecolumns

More elegant solution (use conditional array element):

const cols= [
    title: 'Name',
    dataIndex: ['name'],
    key: 'name',
      title: 'Download',
      render: (val) => (<Button icon={<DownloadOutlined />} onClick={()=>downloadReportElectron(val)} />),
      width: 100,
    } : 
      width: 0,
    title: 'Some',
    dataIndex: ['some'],
    key: 'some',

Just something to know:

[{x},con?{x}:{},{x}] //would have worked, but it will render a col with width

That's where {width: 0,} comes from.

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