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Checkbox change event inside a angular js directive is not working

This is an angularjs directive. I have added this in html directive.

app.directive("propertyArea", ['$window','$compile', function ($window, $compile) {
    return {
        restrict: "EA",

        link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
            var $el = angular.element(el);
            var $mainDiv = angular.element('<div class="theme-logo2"></div>');
            scope.IdentityPropertyclick = function () {
                if ($window.IdentityAdded) {
                    var $mainDiv = angular.element(el).find('.theme-logo2');
                    var $fontsize = [
                    var $fonts = [
                        'Arial Black,Arial Black',
                        'Comic Sans MS,Comic Sans MS',
                        'Courier New,Courier New',
                        'Lucida Console,Monaco',
                        'Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande',
                        'Palatino Linotype,Book Antiqua',
                        'Times New Roman,Times',
                        'Trebuchet MS,Helvetica',
                        'Gill Sans,Geneva'
                    var $fontCalibrateDiv = angular.element('<div style="background: white;'+
                        'text-align: center;padding: 8px;"><div class="row" ><select id="fontFamilySelect"'+ 'style="margin:2px;">'+    
                        '</select><select id="fontSizeSelect" style="margin:2px;">'+
                        '</select></div ><div class="row"><span style="margin:2px;" class="mouseOver">B</span><span class="mouseOver"'+ 'style="margin:2px;"> <i>I</i>'+
                        '</span ><span style="text-decoration: underline;margin:2px;" class="mouseOver">U</span>' +         
                        '<span style="margin:2px;"><div id="paintCan" class="input-group colorpicker-component">'+
                        '<input type= "hidden" value= "#00AABB" /><span class="input-group-addon"><i></i></span>'+
                        '</div ></span>'+
                        '</div ></div > ');
                    var $fontFamilySelect = $fontCalibrateDiv.find("#fontFamilySelect");

                    angular.forEach($fonts, function (val, key) {
                        var sp = val.split(",");
                        $fontFamilySelect.append('<option style="font-family:' + sp[1] + '" value=' + sp[1] + '>' + sp[0] + '</option>');

                    var $fontSizeSelect = $fontCalibrateDiv.find("#fontSizeSelect");
                    angular.forEach($fontsize, function (val, key) {
                        var sp = val.split(",");
                        $fontSizeSelect.append('<option value=' + sp[1] + '>' + sp[0] + '</option>');


                    var $logoCheckbox = angular.element('<input type="checkbox" name="identityLogo"'+ 
                        'value="Logo"  />').on('change', function () { alert(); });
                    compiled = $compile($logoCheckbox)(scope);

                    var $hideShowDiv = angular.element('<div style="background: white;' +
                        'text-align:start;padding: 8px;margin-top: 10px;padding-left: 63px;">' +
                        '<div class="row">' + $logoCheckbox["0"].outerHTML +'LOGO</div>' +
                        '<div class="row"><input type="checkbox" name="identityName" value="Name"/>NAME</div>' +
                        '<div class="row"><input type="checkbox" name="identityDateAndTime" value="DateAndTime"/>'+
                        'DATE & TIME</div ></div > ');


                } else {
                    var $mainDiv = angular.element('<div class="theme-logo2"></div>');



There a checkbox named identityLogo I am trying to attach change event to it , but it looks like event is not attaching. I am trying to figure out why, but cannot find, what I need to correct, perhaps in the directive there is something wrong I have once done this kind of work and in that directive it is working fine.

You're attaching the event handler to an input field in $logoCheckbox , but you don't attach $logoCheckbox to the DOM; instead, you're grabbing the outerHTML and creating a new input with no event handlers in $hideShowDiv

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