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Perform Segue to another storyboard swift

Hey I am performing a basic segue from a ViewController in one storyboard to another ViewController second storyboard.

1st storyboard : Main

2nd Storyboard : Settings

I have a reference to settings.storyboard in Main.storyboard . below are the screen shot of my setup

Storyboard Ref to Settings in Main


My segue(attributes) to storyboard ref. I am using a custom segue, that slides from right to left :


Destination VC in settings storyboard.


My source VC is a navigation embedded-TableViewController, I perform following operation to segue there:

let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Settings", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "editprofile") as? EditProfile
performSegue(withIdentifier: "settings", sender: nil)

With the above setting I am still unable to segue to my Destination VC. I have serach stackoverflow alot and even implemented exactly, but am out of Luck. I just dont know where exactly I am going wrong.


The (withIdentifier: "editprofile") portion of your code seems wrong.

In the images you showed, nothing has the identifier of "editprofile". I would change that to "Settings", as it seems like that is your segue's identifier.

您的故事板 ID 区分大小写,请确保您在界面构建器中输入的任何内容,因为您的故事板 ID 与您在 swift 文件中以编程方式输入的内容相同且大小写相同

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