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Importing Go Projects in IntelliJ Not Working

I recently started out with Go programming and I wanted to checkout some open source projects. I cloned one and I wanted to get that imported into IntelliJ Community Edition 2017.1.1 but when I imported the whole project, I get strange errors. Somehow IntelliJ is not able to find the Go binaries.

Here are my settings:

joe-MacBook-Pro:go-ethereum joe$ echo $GOPATH
joe-MacBook-Pro:go-ethereum joe$

Here is where Go is installed:

joe-MacBook-Pro:go-ethereum joe$ which go
joe-MacBook-Pro:go-ethereum joe$

What else should I do? I'm using the Go Lang Plugin for IntelliJ version 0.171.1931

Is there anything else I should do to get this working? Here is the screenshot of the errors that I get!


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