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PDF display issue in iFrame once upload using Paperclips in Rails

I am working on Rails application where uploaded PDF using Paperclip Gem . Now try to display PDF using below HTML code.

Upload PDF settings

has_attached_file :agreement
validates_attachment_content_type :agreement, :content_type =>["application/pdf"]

<iframe src="/system/contracts/agreements/000/000/022/original/pdf_ag.pdf" align="middle" style="width: 100%; height:720px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

But got error below

error : ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template sessions/unknown_route, application/unknown_route

No route matches [GET] "/system/contracts/agreements/000/000/022/original/pdf_ag.pdf"

I tried but same issue again and again. Let me know if any one have idea or trick.


First of all, static content path, for regular Rails app, starts with /public so /public/system/contracts/agreements/ and so on..

Make sure that your app, in the specific env where you're getting the error, handles static files ( config.serve_static_assets = true for Rails < 5 and config.public_file_server.enabled = true for Rails >= 5).

Also I'd advise to use absolute path instead of relative. It offers you more flexibility in case you decide to delegate your static files to nginx or CDN server OR you're requesting this PDF from iFrame on the domain different that current app.

I store PDF files in public folder and access it. It's work for me.

Thanks for your supports.

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