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Fetching return value from async function

I am trying to capture the response of two service calls within a function. Got to know that async and await will solve this purpose and tried below. Here inside async function ex - I am making a call to users, companies end point and console log is displaying perfect, but while retrieving the same value by calling the async function is giving Promise Pending. I tried two options 1. by simply calling the async function - giving Promise Pending 2. by calling with await prefixed - giving await is a reserved word.

Please let me know how to capture the response from this...

const service = {
        getUsers: () => axios.get(`http://localhost:3000/users`),
        getCompanies: () => axios.get('http://localhost:3000/companies')

      let ex = async () => {
        let users = {};
        let companies = {};
        try {
           users =   await service.getUsers()
           companies = await  service.getCompanies()

          console.log('Example ', {
            users: users.data,
            companies: companies.data

        } catch (err) {
        return  [{ users, companies}];
      //let resp = await ex(); - giving await is a reserved word
      // let resp = ex(); - giving Promise is pending.. 

All async functions will always return a promise. If you return nothing, the function will return a promise for undefined . Whatever you return will get wrapped up in a promise, which you need to await or call then on to access the value inside.


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