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Missing App Store Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store > Icon in PNG format

when I try to submit the app

Missing App Store Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store Icon in PNG format. Without providing the icon in the Asset Catalog or via iTunes Connect, apps cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review

I'm providing App Store Icon with 1024px*1024px PNG format in iTunes Connect but still getting this error

In Xcode, they have added one additional app icon size with 1024px * 1024px 在此处输入图片说明

Go to Assets.xcassets and you can find this new addition at the bottom of your app icon image set.

Once you add app icon with 1024pt, it should fix the issue.

As stated here we need to add one more icon, called 1024x1024px App Store Icon. Create a png icon of resolution 1024x1024.

Go to Project General Setting Tab


Click on No. 4 which opens the app icon sets. The following section will be visible.


Scroll down and you will see the App Store iOS icon set.


Preferably add the icon inside "AppIcon.appiconset" folder.


you can locate the folder by clicking the folder icon next to "Identity and Type" on the right side of your icon selection screen.

This should fix the issue.

You need to include additional icon of 1024x1024pt size in Assets.xcassets .

Please find the below steps.

1) Go to Assets.xcassets .
2) Drag and drop the icon of 1024*1024pt in App Store iOS 1024pt field of Assets.xcassets.

For more information please find the below GIF representation.

在 xcassets 中添加图标的演示

Hope it works!!!

I'll quote just what Claude31 said here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/90543

May be useless question, but have you check the exact size of png image (in finder information) ?

In my case, the client sent an image to me called xxxx1024x1024.png, and the real size was 4000 x 4000. So, if you didn't create the image, is worth checking it.

You can open this image in preview and select file -> Export... and set format png and check alpha . and save image and use updated image. i hope issue will be resolve.


you need the App Store Image of your app in 1024 x 1024px without round corners and properties, see this answer Code Sign Error Xcode

I found the problem my by chance. After doing tests with different types of .pn file "with transparency" and "without transparency" in neither of the two chaos worked for me. The problem was in the name that I put the collection in the App-Icon, the name had a "tilde" accent. I removed the accent and apple validated the compilation.

With Xcode 12 you can have a Swift UI app that gives you this error ONLY for the MacOS version but NOT for the iOS version when you submit for review.

The trick is to add the Mac App icon images and sizes to the Images.xcassets folder as well as TAG that folder in the Attributes panel with 'Mac OS'. For some reason that's turned off.

Doing that will allow your Mac OS app to be ACCEPTED for 'review'.

Hope that helps someone. I've almost spent two days chasing this one down.

我的问题是 Sketch 应用程序导出了大小为 1024x1025 的错误图像。

Per the message you get from XCode you can also do this from App Store Connect after the fact.

App Store Connect 操作警告

My Apps > Prepare for Submission > App Store Icon > Select image. App Store Connect - 选择图片 Has to be 1024x1024px png with no alpha channels or transparencies.

More info here .

2xSamurai's answer is a preferred longer term solution to avoid repeatedly doing this.


1-)Xcode 9.4.1 open and open a new project.

2-)Create new assets catalog.

3-)fill in the required icons correctly.

4-)This AppIcon catalog right click and show in finder,open AppIcon.appiconset folder and copy all things in folder.

5-)Open old project,old project AppIcon catalog right click and show in finder and open folder delete all things.

6-)Paste in the folder you copied.

7-)Clean, Build Project and Archive.

And Succesfully Upload App Store.

Try to add the an image 1024 X 1024 and rename it to "icon-1024.png" on the app/App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ and add the json below to app/App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json

          "size" : "1024x1024",
          "idiom" : "ios-marketing",
          "filename" : "icon-1024.png",
          "scale" : "1x"

For me is work

My issue actually came from the Development Assets. My Assets folder directory was in this spot and caused the issue because on build it was ignoring this folder. AppName -> General -> (Target Column) AppName -> Development Assets. Make sure your files are not in there like mine was!

Xcode Screenshot

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