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Downloading all of the files in a specific folder with PyDrive

My Google Drive looks something like this:








I want to use PyDrive to download every file in folder "b". After looking at the documentation and checking StackOverflow, I still cannot figure out how to do this. How would I download all of the files in folder "b" (which is contained in folder "a") using PyDrive. Also, in case it's relevant please note that folder "b" contains thousands of files.

I figured it out. Basically you need to use the file id to list or download a folder's contents.

Assuming that file_list is the root directory:

for file1 in file_list:
    if file1['title'] == '[name_of_target_folder]':
        folder_id = file1['id']


> folder_id 
> 'WIU1xyz19g83abcdefg'

(for example)

get every file in 'folder':

file_list = drive.ListFile({'q': "'{}' in parents and trashed=false".format(folder_id)}).GetList()

download every file in 'folder':

for i, file1 in enumerate(sorted(file_list, key = lambda x: x['title']), start=1):
    print('Downloading {} from GDrive ({}/{})'.format(file1['title'], i, len(file_list)))

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