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Page not found in Laravel production

In my web.php file, i have a the below route and it works fine

Route::get('users/xml', function() {
    $merchants = DB::table('merchants')->where('published', '1')->get();

    $xml = new XMLWriter();
    foreach($merchants as $merchant) {
        $xml->writeAttribute('id', $merchant->id);
        $xml->writeAttribute('name', $merchant->merchant_code);
        $xml->writeAttribute('address', $merchant->address);
        $xml->writeAttribute('lat', $merchant->lat);
        $xml->writeAttribute('lng', $merchant->lng);

    $content = $xml->outputMemory();
    /*File::put(storage_path().'/file.xml', $content);*/
    return response($content)->header('Content-Type', 'text/xml');

However, when i push my code to production(Nginx), the page is not found.

I have found the solution in the laravel.log file! The reason why it is not loading is because the class XMLWriter is not bundled with the php server on Vultr(Nginx). So i went to the terminal and typed

yum install php-xml

Voila, it works!

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