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Openwhisk and Node-red issue

I am trying to use node-red and openwhisk together so I can invoke openwhisk actions from node-red. I am using node-red-node-openwhisk ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-red-node-openwhisk ) for that. I am using openwhisk outside of the bluemix locally with vagrant. I am trying to make this work according to this tutorial: https://github.com/kpavel/openwhisk-light but it seems impossible since I am ok until this comand

wsk action --apihost http://localhost:3000 invoke owl-test -r -p mykey myval

that I get this:

    "error": {
        "code": 4767018,
        "error": "The supplied authentication is invalid"
    "message": "GET https://openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net/api/v1/namespaces/_/actions/owl-test Returned HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) --> \"The supplied authentication is invalid\"",
    "name": "OpenWhiskError",
    "statusCode": 401

Also I cannot set the openwhisk node to work on my node-red environment because whatever apihost I am using I am getting errors. Any suggestions?

There might be, or have been, a bug with setting the API host via a CLI parameter. It may also be necessary to run this before running your wsk action command:

wsk property set --apihost http://localhost:3000


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