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Retrieve Value from MongoDB in Meteor

So this is how my database looks right now:

_id": "r8uoPSvJY36nHgCK9",
"name": "Running",
"category": "leisure",
"duration": "2",
"createdAt": "2/10 16:42:17",
"skills": {
    "creativity": 6,
    "analytics": 3,
    "fitness": 7,
    "research": 4,
    "communication": 4,
    "problemSolving": 3,
    "timeManagement": 7,
    "leadership": 3,
    "selfMotivation": 3,
    "teamwork": 4
"started": "false",
"finished": "false"

How can I query the collection so that I get the value of the creativity field and store it in a variable? I have tried something like:

tasks.find({'skills.creativity': this._id});

but it doesn't appear to work.

.find() returns a cursor - ie all the matching records, not just the key that you're looking for.

If you're looking for the creativity field for a single record and assuming you are trying to find the document by its _id and not by the value of the skills.creativity field (which as @Styx points out would be silly) then:

const creativity = tasks.findOne(this._id).skills.creativity;

If you're looking to get the creativity field for all the matching records then:

const creativityArray = tasks.find(query).map((e) => e.skills.creativity);

where query defines the set of documents you're looking for.

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