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Change property of element <a> in angular 4

I bulid the folliwing nav.

<ul class="topnav">
        <li *ngFor="let menuItem of menuItems; let index = index">
          <a (click)='onClick($event)' [class.active]="index == 0" routerLink="{{ menuItem.link }}">{{ menuItem.name }}</a>

At the start first in underlined.(css)

ul.topnav li a.active {
  border-bottom: 3px solid #27ae60;

I have added method onClick in element I defined this method in typescript file in class corresponding with this html with

onClick(someobject): void {
      someobject.target.attributes['class'].value = "active";

However the class active does not apped to selected element. What is more how to clear mark class active from previous element?

Try the routerLinkActive directive. Option {exact:true} is needed if your route is also part of another route.

<a routerLink="dashboard" 

Ref: RouterLinkActive

Add the directive to every anchor tag in the Nav, it will take care of adding and removing.

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