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Using Azure Service Bus in .Net core console app

I'm trying to use Azure service bus in a .net core 2.0 console application. I've installed the NuGet package and can see System.ServiceModel.Web in the SDK dependencies.

However when I try to add:

using System.ServiceModel;

I get an error stating it's not defined.

I found this tutorial online that does exactly the same: https://www.servicebus360.com/blogs/azure-service-bus-with-dot-net-core/

What am I missing

According to your description, I created my Net Core 2.0 console application to check this issue. As you said, the System.ServiceModel.Web.dll is provided by Microsoft.NETCore.App as follows:


Use ILSpy and check the Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.0.0 under C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\shared\\Microsoft.NETCore.App\\2.0.0 , there is no namespace for System.ServiceModel as follows:


Using Azure Service Bus in .Net core console app

For Net Core 2.0, I have referenced Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus , and both V 1.0.0 and V 2.0.0 could work as expected as follows:


Moreover, for .Net Framework 4.6, you could only reference Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus 1.0.0.

Yes to get a .net core 2.0 console app working like from the blog [described above][1] https://www.servicebus360.com/blogs/azure-service-bus-with-dot-net-core/

You need to use Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus nuget

I particularly liked his blog due to setting up the service bus via azure and instructions to newbies in the pub/sub architecture.

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