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how can I retrieve data from firebase to a table view controller and pass it to another view controller

I retrieved my data using firebase database into a table view cell in a view controller. I want to forward the data to another view controller. enter image description here i try by creating variables assigning them to table view cells label but when trying to retrieve the app crashed enter image description here . here are my sample codes enter image description here


This function expects an Any as parameter, so in your function didSelectRowAt you can get the object using the index atIndexPath getting the object from the array you used to populate the tableView and send this object in the sender parameter:

performSegue(withIdentifier: String, sender: Any?)

You should then implement this function:

override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?)

There you can retrieve your object in the sender and the view controller in the property segue.destination which is a UIViewController so you can convert it to your ViewController and pass the object to the next one.

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