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Ionic - Angular 2 - subscribe to http.post response

I have a bit of code to share with you. It's from an Ionic 2 project. I think it's bad practice what I did, so I want to refactor it right.

I'm sending an image in base64 to an API, the API saves the image as .png on the server, then sends me back a response with this image's URL on the API server. The app shows a loading screen while waiting for the API response, so you can't make multiple calls in the same time. Also the API replies with 1 response for each call, and that's it.

Here's the simple call:


private _imgUrl = new Subject<string>();

public getImgUrl(imgURI: any): Observable<string> {
  return this._imgUrl.asObservable();

private setImgUrl(url: any) {

private apiImgUrl(imgURI: string) {
  var data  = {
    src: imgURI
  var postData = JSON.stringify(data);

  var headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
  var options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });

      .then((res) => {
        var body = res.json();


import { ApiService }   from '../shared';


private socialImageSubscription: Subscription;
private i = 0;

constructor(private _api: ApiService) {}

private getImageFromAPI(canvasURI) {
  this.socialImageSubscription = this._api.getImgUrl(canvasURI).subscribe((res:any) => {
     console.log(this.i, 'socialImageSubscription', res.data);
    // doing something with the response

Now, getImageFromAPI() is triggered by (click) . So if I click once, I get this console log:

1,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url1

On second click:

2,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url2
3,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url2

On third click:

 4,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url3
 5,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url3
 6,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url4

So each time I access getImageFromAPI() it creates a new subscription, while the previous subscriptions remains active.

How can I write this code properly?

Try this : It should resolve your issue.

private getImageFromAPI(canvasURI) {
this._api.getImgUrl(canvasURI).subscribe((res:any) => {
         console.log(this.i, 'socialImageSubscription', res.data);
        // doing something with the response
      }).unsubscribe();           // unsubscribe here

Unsubscribe it immediately, so that you don't have the subscriptions active. And also you don't need the subscription variable here.

Played around a bit, and found what I was looking for:


private apiImgUrl(imgURI: string) {
  var data  = {
    src: imgURI
  var postData = JSON.stringify(data);

  var headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
  var options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });

  return this.http.post(
      .then((res) => {
        var body = res.json();
        return body;


import { ApiService }   from '../shared';


private i = 0;

constructor(private _api: ApiService) {}

private getImageFromAPI(canvasURI) {
  this._api.apiImgUrl(canvasURI).then((res:any) => {
     console.log(this.i, 'socialImageSubscription', res.data);
    // doing something with the response

The code is much easier to read, and removes the useless subscription. The console logs are what you'd expect. First click:

1,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url1

On second click:

2,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url2

On third click:

 3,"socialImageSubscription", www.apidomain.com/url3

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