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How to show or hide Primefaces chart Legend independently when you have two charts in the same view?

I have 2 charts in the same page. I'd like to show legends just in one chart, not both, but I have just a global solution. Thats my javascript code:

$.jqplot.preDrawHooks.push(function () {
this.legend.show = true;});

and my xhtml:

<p:chart id="chart17" responsive="true" type="bar"  model="#{chart17Bean.barModel}"  />
<p:chart id="chart18" responsive="true" type="bar"  model="#{chart18Bean.barModel}" />

Edited: I'm using Primefaces 6.1

Add this JS function on page

function removeLegend() 
     this.cfg.legend = {
          show: false

and then in your managed bean add


where barModel is model of chart you want to have legend hidden.

Primefaces 8, Chart Js, you could set legend display to false

Legend legend = new Legend();

Solved my issue

yourChart.options = {
          legend: {
            display: false,

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