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Check if user is authenticated with django TokenAuthentication

I'm trying to develop a REST API with DRF that uses TokenAuthentication . This will be used in an android app.

I was able to authenticate a user and retrieve it's token. The problem I'm having now is with the following view:

def foo(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            do stuff
            return HttpResponse(data, "application/json")
            return HttpResponse(status=401)

Basically the user should be authenticated in order to receive the data, otherwise, he will receive a 401 response.

I'm making a GET request to the proper URL with the following parameters in the Header:

content-type : application/json
authorization : Token <user token>

Which is basically what I'm doing for other Viewsets (this is not a Viewset) I have - and it works.

In this case, it's always sending the HTTP response with 401 code (user isn't authenticated).

I can't figure out if the problem is with the Header values I'm passing or if this is not the proper way to check if the user is authenticated.

Edit: if I do: "print request.user" i get AnonymousUser



As suggested by "ABDUL NIYAS PM" I used the APIView

Basically, I just added the @api_view(['GET']) decorator to the View.

@permission_classes((IsAuthenticated, ))
def foo(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':

An easier way to do this is by checking if the user session is existing or not.

When DRF creates a token, it also creates the session cookie.

return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"is_authenticated": True if request.session.get('_auth_user_id', 0) else False}),

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