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Laravel Socialite - get date of birth and email while loging in with facebook

This is in my routes

Route::get('auth/facebook', 'Front@redirectToProvider');


public function redirectToProvider()
  return Socialite::driver('facebook')->redirect();

But in permission window i don't see permission for phone number . how to add that perission?



Laravel Framework version 5.2.45

Update : It seems i can't get the phone number but it seems i can get date of birth .My idea was that if i know how to get phone then i can use the same code to get other fields too like email and date of birth . What do i need to add and where to get these fields?

It is not possible to get the phone number of a Facebook User. There is not even a field for it in the user table: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user

About birthday and other fields, see this thread: How to get birthday gender and religion information using laravel socialite implementing facebook Api

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