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AngularJS cannot access directive scope inside controller

Directive scope values(initialValue and title) are undefined in my controller function - counterController. It prints initialValue if I define it like {{ counterCtrl.initialValue }} in app_counter.directive.html , but undefined in counterController function.


'use strict';

module.exports = function (app) {
    app.directive('appCounter', appCounter)

function appCounter() {
    let directive = {
        restrict: 'EA',
        template: require('./app_counter.directive.html'),
        scope: {
            initialValue: '=',
            title: '@'

        controller: counterController,
        controllerAs: 'counterCtrl',
        bindToController: true

    return directive;

function counterController() {
    let vm = this;

    vm.counter = vm.initialValue;
    vm.increment = increment;
    vm.decrement = decrement;

    function increment() {
        vm.counter += 1;

    function decrement() {
        vm.counter -= 1;


'use strict';

const angular = require('angular');
const app = angular.module('app', []);



<div class="counter">
    <div>Current value {{counterCtrl.title}}: {{ counterCtrl.counter }}</div>
    <button type="button" ng-click="counterCtrl.decrement()">Decrement</button>
    <button type="button" ng-click="counterCtrl.increment()">Increment</button>


<div id="app" ng-app="app">
    <app-counter title="hello" initial-value="10"></app-counter> 

You need to access them with $scope (as they are) inside your controller instead using your controller instance object ( this ) directly.

function counterController($scope) {
    let vm = this;

    vm.counter = $scope.initialValue;
    vm.increment = increment;
    vm.decrement = decrement;

    function increment() {
        vm.counter += 1;

    function decrement() {
        vm.counter -= 1;

>> Demo fiddle

By using bindToController :

You can achieve the same by using bindToController which is available since AngularJS v1.3:

myApp.directive('myDirective', function () {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      scope: true,
      controllerAs: 'counterCtrl',
      bindToController: {
        initialValue: '='
      controller: function () { 
        this.$onInit = function () {

            let vm = this;

            vm.counter = vm.initialValue;
            vm.increment = increment;
            vm.decrement = decrement;

            function increment() {
                vm.counter += 1;

            function decrement() {
                vm.counter -= 1;

>> Demo fiddle

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