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Integrating a Countdown timer inside an alert pop up

I am working with react native to develop an App. I would like to implement a down counter in alert pop up in my screen. Here is my code of Alert() :

import CountdownCircle from 'react-native-countdown-circle';

onPressEnter() {
    // Works on both iOS and Android
        'This is a test!',
            {text: 'cancel', onPress: () => console.log('Cancel Pressed'), style: 'cancel'},
        { cancelable: false }

Here is my down counter code:

    textStyle={{ fontSize: 20 }}
    onTimeElapsed={() => console.log('Elapsed!')}

I tried to put the CountdownCircle inside the onPressEnter() (which my alert is located) but, I either got a token error or It shows me nothing. Is there any trick for implementing that guys? Is it possible to implement that?

I may be too late, but how I implemented my Countdown circle, was to render it inside a MODAL component. It works like a charm. just Call your inside the Modal and it would do something similar hopefully.

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