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Vue modules not found when importing in a Typescript file

I have a Vue project that uses single file class component and typescript loader. I use VS Code with the Vetur plugin to get very nice code completion inside single file .vue components. This works fine except in my entry.ts file, where I create the root Vue component:

In entry.ts, I cannot import vue modules!


import Vue from 'vue'                       // this is ok
import App from './components/app.vue'      // vue file not found!
new App({el : '#app'})

ERROR Cannot find module './components/app.vue


<script lang="ts">
    import Vue from 'vue'                       // this is ok
    import Card from "./card.vue"               // here it works!

    export default class App extends Vue {

From a .vue file, I can import other .vue modules.

I have tried leaving out the .vue extension, but that has the same result.

I have tried adding the .vue extension to a .d.ts file, but that messes up the Vetur plugin, and reverses the problem (modules only work from .ts files but not from .vue files)

Hi Typescript gives you that error because It doesn't know what .vue file is.

But there's a work around for it.

In your project directory you can add a file called vue-shims.d.ts

Inside put the following code:

declare module "*.vue" {
  import Vue from "vue";
  export default Vue;

Now typescript will understand .vue files.

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