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Open all files present in search result in VScode

Is it anyway possible to open all files which found in my search query? Otherwise I need to double click 37 times for a single search result which seems suboptimal.

Example of search


There is this VS Code extension for that: Search - Open All Results

To install it, launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P) and run

ext install fabiospampinato.vscode-search-open-all-results

As stated in @Alex's comment, search.action.focusNextSearchResult is a great match for @NealVDV's use case. It can be run by pressing F4 . It will open each result one after the other in a (writable) preview tab.

  • F4 ( search.action.focusPreviousSearchResult ) cycles forward through the search results
  • Shift+F4 ( search.action.focusPreviousSearchResult ) cycles backward through the search results

@jakub.g makes the remark that modifying a file in a way that removes them from the search result will make the focusNextSearchResult pointer restart from the beginning. A solution to this issue is to make sure that either:

  • The search result is never removed from the file while it is modified
  • The search result is always removed from the file by the modification

I'm not sure how to do this with a VSCode native tool, but you could do this using VSCode terminal to find the pattern that you're looking for and open all files that match your search pattern. Something like the following:

grep -l "<Icon" * | xargs code
  • grep to look for your regex pattern with -l parameter to show only the filename.
  • xargs to pass the output as the argument for code .

This way you won't have to double click all the files one-by-one.

Turns out you can shift + click to highlight all the results, and then you drag them over same as any other file. In vscode 1.71.2, at least.

I had 150 to open. Phew.

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