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Prevent backward navigation in angular app (mobile)

I need to prevent the user from backward navigation in some parts of an app I am building. So far I am using this method:

ngOnInit() { 

 history.pushState(null, null, location.href);   
 window.onpopstate = function(event) {

ngOnDestroy() {
 window.onpopstate = function(event) {

This is working great except on iOS chrome and safari. I've also tried:

history.replaceState(null, document.title, location.pathname);

in ngOnInit with not luck. Can someone enlighten my on how browsers on these mobile devices are using history and/or popstate differently than on windows/macOS versions of browsers?

Instead of trying to implement different browser-specific solutions, I would think about Angular's CanDeactivate guard .

Suppose you have a service (let's call it NavigatorService ) that always stores the previous route:

export class NavigatorService{
  private previousRoute:string = null;
  private currentRoute:string = null;
  /** Listen to and log new route paths */
  constructor(private router:Router){
    router.events.filter(e => e instanceof NavigationEnd).subscribe(
      e => {
        this.previousRoute = this.currentRoute;
        this.currentRoute = e['url'];
  /** Checks whether the next route corresponds to the previous route  */
      return nextState.url === this.previousRoute;

Next create a CanDeactivateGuard that will rely on this service to determine whether to allow the user to navigate away from the current view:

export class BackwardGuard implements CanDeactivate<any> {
  // Inject the service needed

  // Angular 4 provides these arguments to any CanDeactivate guard
  // see https://angular.io/api/router/CanDeactivate#interface-overview
  canDeactivate(component:any, currentRoute:ActivatedRouteSnapshot, 
             currentState:RouterStateSnapshot, nextState:RouterStateSnapshot){                   
      // Allow navigation only if the user is not going back
      return !this.navigatorService.isGoingBack(nextState);

Finally, register this guard on the routes whose components you want to protect from backwards navigation:

appRoutes:Routes = [
    path: 'some-path',
    component: ProtectedComponent,
    canDeactivate: [BackwardGuard]

There may be bugs in this untested code, but I think once you iron them out, it should work. Remember to provide NavigatorService to your component's module (eg: AppModule ) and to provide BackwardGuard to the matching routing module (eg: AppRoutingModule )

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