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Create or Update SharePoint ListItem with hyperlink field

I am unable to create or update a SharePoint Online listitem that contains a hyperlink field using Microsoft Graph. I can create or update items to the same list if I remove the hyperlink field from the body of the API call.

For update, I am sending a PATCH request to:


with the following headers:

"Authorization" : "Bearer <token>"
"accept" :"application/json;odata.metadata=full;odata.streaming=true"

Here is the body:

    "myUrl": {
        "Description": "http://www.google.com",
        "Url": "http://www.google.com"

I will get the following error message in response:

    "error": {
        "code": "invalidRequest",
        "message": "The request is malformed or incorrect.",
        "innerError": {
            "request-id": "cfe30f57-31ba-4341-89e9-2c1bd4e15539",
            "date": "2017-11-10T21:55:30"

It is worth noting that I can update other fields in the list item using the exact headers and target URL, as long as there is not a hyperlink field in the json body.

The format I am sending is the exact format I receive the URL field in when I do a GET . Does anyone know the appropriate format for sending URL fields back to SharePoint?

Update 1/8/2018

I posted this same issue to Microsoft's Graph Github on 11/11/2017 and they have yet to provide an answer. I have heard unofficially that REST operations on listitems that have a nested structure (eg hyperlink, user, taxonomy) are not supported at this time. Here is a link to the issue just in case they answer it later: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/issues/1965

I do have a workaround for hyperlink fields that I am using. I changed the column on the SharePoint List that was previously a hyperlink to a "Single line of text" field. When a hyperlink is entered in a Single line text field, it is showing as a underlined and clickable link when you view the event in a browser. You can't use alternate text if you have a long and ugly URL like with the hyperlink field type, but it works!

Looks like the body has the values in reverse. You have your URL in the Description Field and the Description in the URL field. Try:

    "myUrl": {
        "Description": "google",
        "Url": "http://www.google.com"

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